Contact us for more details call +2349082603448 blogger.g?blogID= 9105554944284440922#allposts empirebrotherhoods.wordpress. com watch?v=qD11aV1TsdQ EMPIREBROTHERHOODS@GMAIL.COM https://empire-brotherhoods- The empire occult teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life. With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with great determination can attain to success and prosperity. Advancement in the Brotherhood's degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your ...